Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Google's PageRank Update Goes After Paid Links?

Quoted from

Google's PageRank Update Goes After Paid Links?

Google's PageRank Update Goes After Paid Links?

Seems like there is a PageRank update taking place now that seems to be impacting sites that sell links. Can't say that we were not warned about this? Danny Sullivan wrote Official: Selling Paid Links Can Hurt Your PageRank Or Rankings On Google over two weeks ago, and now it appears many sites are getting hit with a drop in PageRank.

Here is a list of some sites, including major publishers, who seem to have taken a hit overnight:

I am sure there are many more. Is this a direct hit against sites that sell paid links? That is too hard to say for sure.

There is a lot of buzz about this around the blogosphere. Here are some of the blog posts:

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